eXTReMe Tracker PinkyBlondePunk: March 2005


She's So Unfabulous!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Technical Difficulties

Sorry everyone, had some bad stuff going on with the blog, so I couldn't post.

I'm so tired, of working constantly, and not being able to spend time with my daughter and boyfriend, and of loosing sleep. It's all a blur, and I'm exhausted.

There is some tension in my relationship. Boyfriend is irritated cause we don't get to spend any time alone. Almost never. It's sad really, but he knew before we went out that I had a daughter. I just don't want it all to end. Both myself and my daughter love him dearly. She calls him daddy, and I'm hoping he'll stay that way.

I just don't know how I'd deal, you know? I've been hurt too much. And I want to stay with him.

I work at the restaurant tonight. Going to try to get out as early as possible, and go see him for a little bit.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Shop til' you file for bankruptcy...

I have finally come to realize that I have a bit of a problem. It's real, evenn though you hear the term every day, and it is used lightly.I am a Shopaholic.
See http://www.personneltoday.com/Articles/Article.aspx?liArticleID=20125 for more details.

I honestly cannot control myself. In the past week I have spent at least $500 on clothes, shoes, purses, toys, etc. I've asked my boyfriend for help, to not let me spend my life away. I honestly cannot afford to! So wish me luck! Going to need it!

I wok tonight at the restaraunt. Miss talking to Jimmy, maybe he can talk some sense in to me!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Holidays Galore!

My family is not the traditional family, to say the least. We have never celebrated any holidays as most people do. So this weekend was strange to my daughter and I. We spent the whole weekend over the boyfriend's house. My daughter dyed eggs, and got an easter basket. I just don't see the point!

I think it's so strange that a grown man still would do this! He still expects an Easter basket. Just seems demented to me, like he needs to grow up. But whatever floats his boat!

Going out tonight with my daughter and boyfriend. Going shopping, again. I have a serious addiction. I just know I'll have to file bankruptcy sometime soon! Hope everyone had a wonderful egg filled holiday?!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

Had a great night last night with the boyfriend. Some good alone time. It's a rare occurence! No fighting, no complaining. And everything is back to normal.

Well, it's almost Easter. This Sunday I believe. I've never really celebrated it, so it's all new to me. My Daughter and I are dying Easter eggs with him on Saturday. And he has already bought us both easter baskets! It's exciting in a way!

But what in the world would I get him? He's literally the man who has everything!

Maybe that nice, expensive remote control car he's been wanting? But I'd have to get a pretty big basket! Any ideas would be helpful! Thanks!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hat's off to Jimmy!

Thanks, for letting me chat with you during my extreme state of boredom. See ya soon!

Rainy, wet, yucky, but all better now!

Yay! My boyfriend and I didn't even fight. At lunch he said " I Love You".And that we were fine. And I was the happiest woman in the world! Grinning from ear to ear. I really do truly love him, and I'm hoping for a long, loving, secure relationship.

Last night at work was a bore! I had section 5, then I had 4 & 5.(Some woman's mom was ill, and had to leave). BUT IT WAS SLOW! I came out of there with only $50, and it wasn't really worth it. Hardly any tables, and the woman who left ALWAYS leaves a big mess. She never fills her napkins, sweeps, or cleans her tables off. So it sucked for me!

I get to finally have some alone time with boyfriend tonight. Hoping nothing backfires. Going into Ms. Perfect mode.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Had a bad day again....

Last night was one of the worst I've had in a long time.You ever wish you had a time machine, and could travel back in time to change something, well this is it.

My boyfriend and I got into a big fight over stupid shit.( Such as Easter egg dying)
Everything was blown way out of proportion, and now I'm pretty damn sure we are going to brake up.

I don't want to, and he's unsure. All I have to say is I dearly love him, so does my daughter. We would both be crushed. I was prepared to spend the rest of my life with him.

Keeping this short and sweet, to spare everyone.

Working tonight at the restaurant, hopefully I'll make great money.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Pretty in Pink

I have an obsession with all things Pink! I just have this urge to shop, and buy crazy things! For myself, my daughter, my car. And I honestly can't afford much now. My boyfriend has actually bought me crazy stuff, too. Like this weekend, we both went nuts. We stopped at Toys R Us, and got my daughter like 10 toys! And of course some video games for him. We went clothes shopping and he bought me like 5 outfits, and jewelrey, and 2 purses, too. I do tell him that I don't want any of it, and that he doesn't need to do this, you know? It just happens.

At least when my daughter and I move into the new apartment, our closets will bne full! Now we just have to worry abot the rest of the apartment!

Other than that, we had a great weekend, my daughter and I got to spend time with my boyfriend. ( She calls him Daddy)I'm bored here already, maybe I should go shopping?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Trouble at the OK Corral

Morning, All! Had an ok night at the restaraunt. Made ok money, not too busy, either. I'm really getting used to it, and liking it. Most of the people are nice, too. But, These really rude guys were in a friends section, being lewd, hitting on her and others, making sexual comments. Then after they left they stayed around out front and were harrassing one of the girls. WE all went out there like a swarm of bees to see what was up, nothing much. Just like I said.

Human nature has always interested me. I actually wanted to be a psychologist at one point. I just wonder where these people get this behaivor from. It bothers me to have to see and hear about mureders, rapists, etc. But what can we do? It's all apart of life, I guess. Some people just disgust me, though. They have no right to do the things they do, and it pisses me off, that's all. I just wish there were something to change people, or a way to stop it all from the beginning.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Going round in circles

Do you ever feel like your life is a blur? Like you are just rushing through time going round in circles, and not stopping to actually take part? I feel like this all the time. Every day all I do is wake up, go to work, come home, sleep. Sometimes my daughter and I go to my boyfriends for dinner. And that's it. My life is one big repetitive blur. And it drives me mad!

I need a hobby, like glassblowing, or to start oilpainting and photography again. I miss it all so much. But working two jobs, and caring for a two year old, and the current circumstances ( actually years of issues) have halted it all. I just can't find the time.
Hopefully now that it's getting warmer, and after we settle into our new apartment, I'll be able to reach out to my artistic side.

Have to work tonight at the restaurant, looking forward to it. I'm looking to make good money, too. I have to save every penny I can.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Bad Friday, Great Weekend

This weekend my daughter and I were finally able to spend some time with my boyfriend. We both missed him greatly! She literally ran to him! They are so good together, it's adorable. We both spent the night Saturday, and all day Sunday. Shopping, and talking, and playing with her. I really do love him, and appreciate him.

Had a really bad day at work Friday. I seriously thought I was going to get fired. My boss asked me out alone to lunch, which in my case is BAD! We had lunch, but the whole time we were out, she was talking about how I could improve, but how they want me to stay. See this company practices favoritism to say the least. Everyone in this office is friendly to eachother, because they are all alike. For instance; they all make at least twice as much as I do, have benefits, are salaried, own beach houses, etc. I don't. I can't relate to them, I'm not like them. And from the moment I have walked through the door, I have been singled out. They pay me decent money, but I really do want to look for another job. I honestly cannot take the stress any more. I'm not annoyed with them, as they think. But it's just not right. And they basically complain about how it's not my place to take charge and handle things on my own. It's almost like they are purposely keeping me down.So I'm going to start my search for a new job. Then, this morning, my boss calls me, telling me that I wasn't receptive to her advice, and that I really do need to change, and be better with customer service. They make a big deal out of nothing. Wish me luck!
Anyways...Had a great night at work Friday. I had a bad section, in the hole, and didn't make alot of money, but my good friend Jimmy was there to cheer me up.He always helps me out, and it's nice to have him to talk to. I just hope I'll be able to help him in any way I can.

Friday, March 11, 2005

All Too True

Daily Couples Love (by astrology.com):
Put your imagination to use in the service of love. Dream up new ideas to share and activities to explore, and you'll make your fantasies come true.

Daily Extended (also by astrology.com):
It's just your nature to wonder. But when you do too much of it, it can easily turn to obsession. Keeping that in mind, could it be time to stop worrying if there was a deeper meaning behind that comment a loved one recently made? You're a natural-born detective, but some clues just aren't worth following. And some folks aren't clever enough to insert an actual 'meaning' into everything they say.

Have you ever wondered how your horoscope can be so true to you
I get mine on a daily basis. And it absolutely amazes me every time I get it. My horoscope always enlightens me to what I should do, along with stating my current problem. I just find it so strange that it can be so correct, you know?

If anyone knows how, please do tell. I keep thinking there is this little troll sitting on my shoulder and passing the news along to the rest of the world!

I had a really good night. Considering how much I miss my daughter and boyfriend, that is.
I worked last night, just like every other night.
Except that my good friend Jimmy was there. He always brightens my day! He's very helpful, and it's nice to have someone I can talk and relate to. The night would have been alot worse without him.
Made decent money, too. All my customers were very sweet, and generous to boot!

They'll be some changes soon, thanks to Jimmy.
Hope you like them.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

My Hair!

I received a gift certificate from this salon, so yesterday I went to go get my hair done. I was hoping and planning to be blonde again, but...
I was told my hair was too damaged, and to wait. I've been waiting so long -- 8 months to be exact!
I feel naked not being blonde. It's my nickname -- everyone calls me Blondie!
I was completely freaking out! I almost broke into tears! So now I'm a chocolate brown. It's gorgeous, I'll give you that -- but it's not me!
My hairstylist told me to wait at least until Christmas. At least I walked outta there with great looking eyebrows. All for only $200.

Enough about my hair.
I'm working tonight and Friday night at the restaraunt, thankfully my good friend Jimmy will be there to ease the pain, and deal with my whining.
I tip my hat to you, Jimmy, for putting up with my shit!
I'm hoping that I will make great money, as I have for the past few days, knowing my luck, I'll get the rudest, messiest customers who will with pride stiff me.
    Have a great day, everyone!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Whining, Fighting, Losing, Sadness

Well my boyfriend and I have been fighting for the past week or so. He's stressed out cause he lost his job. We have all been sick, so we haven't seen eachother in over a week. It's stressing us both out to say the least. I hate it, not seeing him. And it puts a vice on our relationship.

My daughter misses him too. When I go to pick her up from daycare, she always says "Daddy? Where Daddy?" It's so sad, and it makes me feel bad. But I have to keep on working, day and night, to provide for her. And to pay off the "Debtmobile".

I wish we could drop everything, and all three of us could fly off to Jamaica or something!

Last night, after arguing when I was working, he called me around 12am. To basically say he was sorry. He was so sweet to me, and nice for once. I really do love and appreciate him. I value every minute we are together. It was nice to hear his voice, and not argue. I wish things could change,but for now this is how it has to be.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Been a while...

Well, morning everyone! My daughter and I have been so sick this past week, so I had to take off work. We are both doing better now, though. I am so happy that I was able to work on thursday night at the restaraunt. I made really good money, compared to the other waitresses, that is. about $80 on a thursday. I think that's good, right? I still don't like the job. It's awful cleaning up after all those people with no cares in the world. I hope they don't eat like that at home...Leaving huge pieces of chicken all over the floor! I am also very greatful for my day job. I work for a great company who actually understands that I'm a single mom who had to just take off a week. Not good for us, though. No sick leave pay here. Very small company. Thanks for letting me ramble. I'll post soon!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I'm sick!

Hey everyone, I'm back at work today, but I'm still really sick. My daughter and I came down with the flu. She's better now, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't wait until we move into the new apartment! It feels like such a long way away, April 15th. I'm just tired of relying on other people, and I feel so uncomfortable where I am staying. But I am greatful.
Had to call out for both jobs yesterday, which sucks. I honestly can't afford to not work, I wish I had sick leave here! I'll post sometime again soon, right now I just don't have alot of energy.

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