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She's So Unfabulous!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Going round in circles

Do you ever feel like your life is a blur? Like you are just rushing through time going round in circles, and not stopping to actually take part? I feel like this all the time. Every day all I do is wake up, go to work, come home, sleep. Sometimes my daughter and I go to my boyfriends for dinner. And that's it. My life is one big repetitive blur. And it drives me mad!

I need a hobby, like glassblowing, or to start oilpainting and photography again. I miss it all so much. But working two jobs, and caring for a two year old, and the current circumstances ( actually years of issues) have halted it all. I just can't find the time.
Hopefully now that it's getting warmer, and after we settle into our new apartment, I'll be able to reach out to my artistic side.

Have to work tonight at the restaurant, looking forward to it. I'm looking to make good money, too. I have to save every penny I can.


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