eXTReMe Tracker PinkyBlondePunk: November 2006


She's So Unfabulous!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Being Impatient....

Well, last night I didn't get to spend it with my boyfriend, M

He had to stay at his place, to appease the crazy ex/roomate. I swear to god, I am so pissed off at this woman, just her existence makes me so mad! I'm not usually a violent person, but I swear I keep having dreams about me kicking her ass! lol.

So anyways...Last night she decides she wants to go see the movie Happy Feet. And of course she wants MY boyfriend to go with her! BITCH!

Needless to say I was pissed! He didn't think I would get that upset, and I can definatley see why he needs to appease her (because she's a suicidial, bipolar, split personality psycho!! Who also has a BAD case of Florence Nightingale syndrome, etc. Who might I add, owes him money. So enough of my ranting, and on with the story...) But damn! If I were him, I'd do a clean sweep.

Pull off the bandaid! Quick! Make a clean sweep! Get the hell out of there! But he does somewhat care about the well being of other people. He's not totally heartless, like me.

So, M is making me dinner tonight! I'm actually going to eat meat!! Eek! I'm not a strict vegitarian or anything, I just dislike food, and meat especially, in general. Wish me luck! I'm going to try not to be such a bitch about it, but sometimes I frankly cannot help myself!


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bad Day For Cars

Hello everyone out there in Blogger land! Well, the past 14 hours or so have been very eventful to say the least! We were driving home last night, and my friend's car decided to have some issues. We think there might be something wrong with the front end, and it blew a tire. So we sat on the shoulder of 695S for a good hour or so to wait for our men, and the towing company to get there. It was really chilly out, and I swear to god, no one even stopped to help! How rude, you Baltimore people are!

So, I picked up my Friend T at her house this morning, we were driving along 43 and Bam! My car looses all it's power. When I go to step on the gas petal, it won't gain any speed. So, of course I have to pull over. I called the insurance co. My boyfriend was on his way to us, as well as my mum to drop us off at work.

This really sucks! So now, we are stranded here at work, neither of us having a car,(And the Insurance company won't pay for a rental) and having to rely on people to help us out. I swear to god, sometimes I just want to blow up all the used cars of the world!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Well, my boyfriend finally came back from Conneticut last night. It was a very nice homecoming...Had a nice long chat about the future, and what I should do with myself career-wise. I have a few options that I need to figure out. It's complicated.

Sorry for the short post, I'll be back tomorrow with another crazy story, lol!

Jimmy where are you!!!!

OH! And I almost forgot...I might have the chance to work with one of my dearest girlfriends, Charro! Wish me luck!!!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Scariest Subway In The World

Today at lunchtime I decided to go someplace different. So I asked one of my co workers for directions to one of the local Subway. Now don't get confused, I'm talking about the Restaraunt, you know, the place where they make the subs at, The place you see the commercials with Jared in them.

As I walked in people just stared at me, like they had never seen 1. A white girl before, and 2. A person wearing a business suit. I then began to take notice of my surroundings. I had never, ever seen anything like this before.

Normally Subways are nice, open and friendly places to go. The people who worked there were all trapped behind what looks like double reinforced bullet proof glass. You cannot even hear what they are saying! The glass goes all the way up to the freaking ceiling, as if some robber had tried to shimmy his way up the wall, and squease through the barrier like some kind of spider man/mission impossible wannabe! I was mortified! Then, they didn't even have my fave sub, Chicken Parm. What kind of Subway doesn't have Chicken Parm!!! The employees noticed me standing there gawking, with my mouth wide open. They just started laughing, then they stated that they got robbed, all the time! So I went to pay, and OF COURSE the cash register is BEHIND this wall as well. I had to put my money in this little bullet proof turnabout thingy that spun. And out comes my sub, with my change. Needless to say I high tailed it outta there, especially when the carwash guys next door started to eye me.

I am still baffled, because I cannot believe that they NEEDED all of this protection! If anyone else out there has seen any similar place, please do tell me, so that I don't think I'm completely nuts!

Back to Blonde

Well, Oh Happy Turkey Day, was alright this year. We went up to my mother's house and spent some time there. Unfortunately, my boyfriend had to go visit his parents way up north, he left on Wednesday, and is coming back on Monday. But maybe one day I'll meet them all. I just miss him. So I'm back at work on Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. I wish I was out shopping, but I need the money.

I actually do have to leave a bit early, I'm buying my first Christmas Tree! I want a pretty white one, and of course I'm going to find pink bulbs! lol.

Charro! That sucks about ur email!!! Go to Yahoo!, if you can, and create a new one! And HELL YES I want that job!! Details, Girl!

And, what many, many of you have been waiting for... I'm back to blonde! I put a whole crapload of highlights into my hair this past week. I must transition slowly, though. I don't want to damage it too much! Well, have a great weekend everyone! Charro, call me!

Friday, November 17, 2006

It's Friday!!!

Well, I am so happy that today is Friday! I have off 4 days next week, my boyfriend is staying with me for 7 whole days befor he goes up north to visit his parents for Thanksgiving. Tonight he is making me dinner, and this weekend is packed with activities. We are taking my daughter to see her first movie, Happy Feet! lol. Then, of course, on Sunday, everyone is taking me out to celebrate my 22nd Birthday! Man I'm getting old!

I'm also trying to fend off a nasty head cold, I cannot deal with this right now! Not on my B-Day at least! So, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, Check you on the flip side, yo! (lol)

And Dammit, Charro, Check your freaking email, girl!!!



It's Friday!!!

Well, I am so happy that today is Friday! I have off 4 days next week, my boyfriend is staying with me for 7 whole days befor he goes up north to visit his parents for Thanksgiving. Tonight he is making me dinner, and this weekend is packed with activities. We are taking my daughter to see her first movie, Happy Feet! lol. Then, of course, on Sunday, everyone is taking me out to celebrate my 22nd Birthday! Man I'm getting old!

I'm also trying to fend off a nasty head cold, I cannot deal with this right now! Not on my B-Day at least! So, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, Check you on the flip side, yo! (lol)

And Dammit, Charro, Check your freaking email, girl!!!



Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well, thanks to everyone who just posted comments. It joggled my memory, I had completely forgotten about my blog! Eek! Such a horrible thing to do!

Well, I finally got a full time job, it's still through the temp service, but it's long-term, and could come with a perm job position in the future.

I also, finally met someone. I was at a temp job, he was one of the scientists there, and we hit it off, were dating within a week. Now it's been a little over a month, and it's been absolutely wonderful! We mesh so well together! He's a lot older than I am, 25 years older to be exact, but it's just a number!

My daughter likes him too, luckily he has three kids of his own, so he knows what he's doing.

I FINALLY QUIT THE WAITRESS JOB!!!!! I was so stressed out, I would dread each day, all through the week, you should have seen me! It was really bad, I didn't have any time for family, or even to do my laundry!

To Charro: Girl, I am SO calling you today! Sorry! Hopefully ur number is still the same. And of course im SO funny, We are just alike! Love ya!

To Wonderboy: Call me Slim Jim! We have got to get together, like soon!

AND, definatley last but not least. On Sunday is my 22nd birthday. Wich I am also dreading. I am getting older, but luckily wiser. Hopefully I won't break down in tears. lol.

So now that I have computer access, I am going to try and keep everyone updated, thanks to all of you readers who have put up with my BS.



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