And When One Door Opens...
The one that closes swings back open and knocks you down. Well, I spent all day Tuesday with the new guy, he is still really sweet and nice. I enjoy spending time with him, I just don't know what to make of this whole crazy situation. We work together, and I don't want it to be weird, you know?
And then, when I got home last night, my brother finally decides to tell me that the DR. called! Twice in two days. So of course I immediatley called him back. We chatted for a bit, and he told me to come on over. Now keep in mind that I haven't really heard from him in two weeks. I thought, and was prepared for him to tell me that he doesn't want to see me anymore. But it turns out I was dead wrong.
He was just insanely busy! He hadn't even gone to see a movie alone, which is strange for him. So we had a wonderful time catching up, drinking Pinot Noir, and watching the Orioles v. Yankees game on his huge ass flatscreen TV. I was never more thankful in my life (about a man)!
Now here's the debate that's going on in my mind:
In one corner I have the new guy: He's sweet, and very nice to me, and we have some things in common, BUT, there are some things about him that make me weary. He's young for my type. I usually won't date a guy who's younger than 25, he is 22. He doesn't make much money (and I hate to be so damn stuck up)But he is trying to get another job. He doesn't have his own place. He's been through very hard times, and it's definatley not going to be over yet. And, he's not my usual type, either. I usually go for the very distinguished type.
And in the other corner, I have the Dr., who to me is perfect.We have a sort of history together, and I believe that his ideas about casual relationships and dating are rubbing off on me. He's older (32), makes crazy good money, is stable (he just bought a house, etc.) And we are so much in tune with eachother. We like A LOT (excuse me, everything)of the same things, our attitudes about life are the same. And he is the perfect gentleman. Always.He takes me out to the movies we want to see, we go out for cocktails and dinner, and stroll along The Avenue while drinking Starbucks. There is one more tiny detail also (well, not tiny, HUGE, lol). And please forgive me for being so blunt, as this is a rare occurence. But we have the greatest sex ever. Every time, it never faulters.
So you all can imagine what is going on in my head. On the ride home from the DR.'s house, I decided that I would ask him about us. I'm going to ask him if he wants to continue to date me for a long period of time. He hates commitment, so this will probably be a touchy subject in which I will get an unclear answer, if at all. We'll see what happens. I'm supposed to see the new guy on Thursday, and the Dr. I might get together with him later this week when I'm not working.
So if any of you out there have any suggestions as to what the hell I should do... Please feel free to let me know, because frankly I'm confused as hell. Thanks!
Yap, yap, yap.
This weekend was a nice change of pace. My mum had my daughter out of town, and I was able to get a little bit of rest. I also worked both Saturday and Sunday at the restaraunt. I am so happy to be back!
I still have not heard from the Dr. So I left him a message saying that I would give him some space. And that's probably the last time I will ever do so. He is very flaky, and never has any time. So it's most likely over with, very sad.
But as they say, when one door closes, another opens.
I was standing around at work last night when one of my co workers started to talk to me. A new guy. He's really nice, and when we had time, we would chat. He ended up staying late to help me out with my closing down jobs, etc. This is totally out of charachter for me, but he asked me over to watch a movie at his place. We wanted to watch the movie Benchwarmers, but ended up not even paying attention to the movie.
It was strange, I could tell that he was a normally shy, quiet person like me, but we just kept on talking, until about 1:30 in the morning! I realized that I had to get up for work at 6:00am, so I had to leave. He's a really sweet, nice guy, he's about 7 months older than me, which is a bit different because I usually date older guys, but maybe I could get used to it. Who knows. We are going to see eachother Tuesday morning, to get together and have coffee or something. Hopefully it will at least go longer than the Dr.
This weekend was a nice change of pace. My mum had my daughter out of town, and I was able to get a little bit of rest. I also worked both Saturday and Sunday at the restaraunt. I am so happy to be back!
I still have not heard from the Dr. So I left him a message saying that I would give him some space. And that's probably the last time I will ever do so. He is very flaky, and never has any time. So it's most likely over with, very sad.
But as they say, when one door closes, another opens.
I was standing around at work last night when one of my co workers started to talk to me. A new guy. He's really nice, and when we had time, we would chat. He ended up staying late to help me out with my closing down jobs, etc. This is totally out of charachter for me, but he asked me over to watch a movie at his place. We wanted to watch the movie Benchwarmers, but ended up not even paying attention to the movie.
It was strange, I could tell that he was a normally shy, quiet person like me, but we just kept on talking, until about 1:30 in the morning! I realized that I had to get up for work at 6:00am, so I had to leave. He's a really sweet, nice guy, he's about 7 months older than me, which is a bit different because I usually date older guys, but maybe I could get used to it. Who knows. We are going to see eachother Tuesday morning, to get together and have coffee or something. Hopefully it will at least go longer than the Dr.
It's A New Day
Good Morning! I am so happy today! I started my new job at the restaraunt yesterday. I made great tips, and realized how much I missed working there. I reconnected with so many people, it was so nice having them all there, especially JImmy. He doesn't hate me, lol! We were able to chat for a little bit between serving our tables, it was nice. The only thing is that I am much more reserved than I used to be. I don't talk as outwardly as I used to. And I realized this for the first time yesterday.
Jimmy and I used to talk about everything, I would blab about anything and everything that was going on, but now, it's hard to find the words to even let them out. I thankfully work again on Saturday night, I really need to bring in some money, so wish me luck! Thanks!
Oh Happy Day!
Well, I wanted to keep it a surprise until I knew for sure. I finally got a second job! I'm going back to an old fave of mine, the restaraunnt. I loved working there, and made decent money in which I desperately need right now. I went for a meeting with my old manager today, and she took me back! I was so extatic, you would not believe the smile on my face!
She is worried though, because last time I had to leave because of scheduling conflicts, basically because my Mum decided to go nuts and not watch my daughter. But now it's all better. So I start tomorrow, I cannot wait. There is just one thing looming over my head. My friend Jimmy.
I know he's very busy, and doesn't have a lot of time, but I emailed him and haven't heard anything back. I hope he doesn't hate me.
Up and Down
Well, this weekend was so-so. On one hand mu Mum took my daughter for the weekend, so I had a lot of time to get some work done around the house, BUT on the other hand, I still have not heard from the Dr. It's really sad, because I thought we had a good thing going. So, I'm afraid that it's probably all over with him. He didn't even return my phone calls. I guess I won't get to see that new house.
But then there is that very slim chance that he has just strayed for a while, again. About a month after we started dating, we just lost touch for about a month, then we just started right back up again. I feel that it is different this time, though. It sucks. This turned out to be another lesson/reason why to not get attached to people so easily. Especially when I knew in the beginning not to. If this is the end, then I will miss him. He was such a perfect gentleman, we had a lot of fun.
For some better news...I have an interview on Wednesday at one of my former employers to go to. I really really want this job back. I absolutely loved working there, and I desperately need the money. So wish me luck!
Well, this weekend was so-so. On one hand mu Mum took my daughter for the weekend, so I had a lot of time to get some work done around the house, BUT on the other hand, I still have not heard from the Dr. It's really sad, because I thought we had a good thing going. So, I'm afraid that it's probably all over with him. He didn't even return my phone calls. I guess I won't get to see that new house.
But then there is that very slim chance that he has just strayed for a while, again. About a month after we started dating, we just lost touch for about a month, then we just started right back up again. I feel that it is different this time, though. It sucks. This turned out to be another lesson/reason why to not get attached to people so easily. Especially when I knew in the beginning not to. If this is the end, then I will miss him. He was such a perfect gentleman, we had a lot of fun.
For some better news...I have an interview on Wednesday at one of my former employers to go to. I really really want this job back. I absolutely loved working there, and I desperately need the money. So wish me luck!
Workin' Hard For The Money...
Well, yesterday was an eventful day. I had off, so I had a lot of time to handle some personal business. Lately I have had some serious issues paying my bills, mostly from the lack of decent jobs. I decided that I'm going to have to break down and get a second job, again. I used to have to work three jobs to pay my bills, and it looks like that is what it's coming to. It really sucks, because then I will have even less time to spend with my daughter, who I miss very much while I'm at work. I'll even have to work weekends, which also means less time for men.
Speaking of men...I still haven't heard from the Doctor. We saw a lot of eachother last week. So I called him again last night, he didn't answer,and I didn't leave a message. I'm hoping that we will be able to spend some time together, especially before I kick the jobs into high gear. But there is something else that also looms...I get the feeling that he is afraid. He doesn't want any commitment, and I believe that is is falling. Just from the body language and looks I get from him are enough to tell me that something else is there.
I have also finally decided to get off my kinda lazy ass to train for the police academy. The exam is on Octobre 14. I am weary, and without any support system from family, it is going to be very difficult. My body is sore from all the running and working out I've done. So, wish me luck! I desperately need all I can get. And I've always wanted this, I know where I have to be, it's just a matter of getting there.
The next weeks will become very hectic.
Morning Serenity and The Heat Wave
Good Morning! I feel so well rested. This week I'm only working three days, so I have been able to get some well deserved rest. And on a normal day, I don't have to be in to work until 9am, so I can leave around 8:45 or so. I drop my brother off at work, drop my daughter of at daycare, then go back home. I slowly drink my chai tea and watch music videos. Sometimes I set my alarm clock to get another hour of sleep. It's great, and if you are able to, I highly suggest doing so as well.
Me time is great time, which I definatley don't take for granted, but the nice weather is another story...
The weather here in Maryland is CRAZY to say the least! I was driving by my neighborhood Walgreens, and their temperature said it was 10 degrees! Today it's supposed to be 103. It faulters so much around here, later this week it's supposed to be in the 80's. I swear I would not be surprised if it snowed. I don't really mind the heat. I tan all year round, and I think my body is adjusted to high temperatures. It's just that I dislike it. People are crankier, and the air is thick. I have to be weary of what I wear each day, which sucks. Hopefully it will let up as the weather man says.
I called The Doctor last night to tell him that I would have time this weekend for him. Lucky me, my Mum is taking my daughter out of town. (More me time! yay!)But, to my surpsrise, he didn't return my phone call. He is usually very punctual, and calls me back within a half hour at the most. And then my mind wanders...Our relationship is casual, and we are free to date other people. Even though this is okay with me, I doubt my own input into this.
I'll be sure to write more when it gets interesting.