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She's So Unfabulous!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Workin' Hard For The Money...

Well, yesterday was an eventful day. I had off, so I had a lot of time to handle some personal business. Lately I have had some serious issues paying my bills, mostly from the lack of decent jobs. I decided that I'm going to have to break down and get a second job, again. I used to have to work three jobs to pay my bills, and it looks like that is what it's coming to. It really sucks, because then I will have even less time to spend with my daughter, who I miss very much while I'm at work. I'll even have to work weekends, which also means less time for men.

Speaking of men...I still haven't heard from the Doctor. We saw a lot of eachother last week. So I called him again last night, he didn't answer,and I didn't leave a message. I'm hoping that we will be able to spend some time together, especially before I kick the jobs into high gear. But there is something else that also looms...I get the feeling that he is afraid. He doesn't want any commitment, and I believe that is is falling. Just from the body language and looks I get from him are enough to tell me that something else is there.
I have also finally decided to get off my kinda lazy ass to train for the police academy. The exam is on Octobre 14. I am weary, and without any support system from family, it is going to be very difficult. My body is sore from all the running and working out I've done. So, wish me luck! I desperately need all I can get. And I've always wanted this, I know where I have to be, it's just a matter of getting there.

The next weeks will become very hectic.


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