Are All Attorneys Assholes?
I swear to god attorneys piss me off! It seems like every time I come in contact with them they are always so rude, and they act as if they are better than all of us.
Lately I have been researching trying to change my daughter's name. The court system makes it so difficult! I won my own custody case all by myself, no attorney needed, but the change of name process is dreadful to say the least.
They require you to notify the biological sperm donor/defendant of the name change. If he contests, than your motion is denied. If he does not answer to the notify, then I might have a chance through claiming exhaustive efforts, etc. And I have to do all of this while trying not to release our address/location, which means I have to file a motion to seal our address. They might or might not grant it. But c'mon! This guy is psycho!!You would think they wouldn't want this to turn into a murder trial! I despise the legal system. But then again, it gets my blood pumping, I want to be apart of it all, just not from this angle.
I have learned through trial and error (formerly trying to do this on my own, and all of my motions being denied), and from good advice from the judges and chambers that I must hire an attorney. It sucks. It really sucks. So now I have to try to come up with 1500 dollars (100 retainer, plus 200 an hour) to hire one of these holier than though assholes.
If there are any religous people reading this, please start praying for me! We need all the help we can get!
It's 10:00a and I'm already bored out of my mind. My boss left until later on today, and I really don't have very much work to do.
I've been super lazy lately. I feel that I barely have enough time to do anything. The ktchen is a mess! There are newspapers everywhere, and bills that have to be filed away. I have got to clean and organize the bathroom. I haven't weighed myself at all this week. I just now started taking all my pills again. (Vitamins, allergy, etc.) I have to find time and money to go join the gym, and schedule my sessions of tanning/excercise, etc.
But enough of what I'm not doing, and onto what I have done...
So, last night was weird. I went over to my little brother's new apartment. He lives with his roommate, the roommate's girlfriend, and her two kids. The apartment is kinda empty, and it feels sad. None of them are working, probably haven't in weeks. None of them seem to care thta they have bills to pay, and two young children to watch over. It was just weird. I think my brother was a little nervous that I was there for some reason. So I spent a few minutes chatting them all up and telling them to get off their asses and go find jobs. It was really depressing!
Well, I'm finally on the web from home! Finally, not having to worry about blogging at work!
I am so very happy!
Everything has been going great lately. M has only got a week or so left at his old apartment. My hair keeps getting lighter and lighter as it gets warmer and warmer.
Allthough, there are still worries. I haven't heard from my little brother in about two weeks. He owes me over $600 for his cell phone bill, and $600 for rent from before he moved out. His cell was turned off for non-payment, so I haven't talked to him. I have to go over to his apartment tonight to see how he is doing, and to collect the debt, hopefully. I'll be happy if he is even home!
Wish me luck!
Windy Day!
Today is so very cold! We have had a few nicer days here in Baltimore, with temps above 50 degrees! I thought that all my praying for Spring to come was paying off!
No such luck! It sucks, I am so ready to go shopping for cute clothes for spring/summer! Charro and I have a shopping date coming up, I cannot wait!
I have been super-lazy lately! I haven't been keeping track of my health. So finally, I bought some NV last night, because they took TrimSpa off the market for obvious reasons. Hopefully it will be just as good/better. I logged back into, and wrote down my login info to take home with me. I must weigh myself tonight (have to do it before M gets home)!
I also realized last night how bad I am with my spending! I went out for gas and ice cream and came back with a bill from Walgreens of over $60! M took my bank card away from me, thankfully! I'm going to have to be extra careful with it when I go with Charro. And luckily, I don't have to worry about spending too much with it. I'm only going to go to my mani-pedi, then go straight home.
In a few months it will all be okay if I slip up a little, but right now we are trying desperately to pay off all our debtors. I feel so horrible for spending so much money last night. It meant more work for M, in making him have to balance out our finances, checkbook, and change around our payment arrangements. Sorry my sexy scientist! You must spank me, I've been so very, very naughty!
Still Here
Well, I'm sitting here working, wishing this damn agonizing pain would go away. I ran out of painkillers on Sunday, and just now got some back. But I swear I am getting immune to it! I am praying that it will relieve this! I go back March 1st to get checked out and get some more work done. I hope that it will not be nearly as traumatic!
I was such a pig today! In addition to my Latte, I just had to get one of those breakfast sandwiches. So many calories! Yuch! And the strange thing is that I don't even like them that much! I have to start bringing my yummy yogurt again, much healthier!
My teeth hurt! I am so taking another Vicadin if this crap doesn't kick in within 30 minutes! It feels like my jaw is being pulled out of my freaking head! I guess I should tell my dentist that!!??
This weekend was HUGE!!! M has finally moved most of his stuff into my apartment! Yay! Finally! There were some definite tensions and spats, though. It was stressful and joyous and tiring all at the same time. He has two more weeks to transition the rest of the stuff into my/our apartment. This is going to be a roller coaster ride!
I cannot believe I am letting a man move in with me! I love him so much! He does make me very, very happy! lol! (wink, wink, very dirrty thoughts). Kidding! It's SO more than that!
Got to get back to work, unlike some lazy ass people that I know, S! (Not to mention any names)!
And, I believe it is officially time to STOP praying that Britney Spears will ever get her shit together. I would go absolutely mad if I shaved my head, my hair is apart of my livelyhood. PLUS, she's not even sporting it! She's trying to cover it up with bad, cheap wigs. Which proves she has gone insane, and is under the influence of
something !
Still Here
Well, I'm sitting here working, wishing this damn agonizing pain would go away. I ran out of painkillers on Sunday, and just now got some back. But I swear I am getting immune to it! I am praying that it will relieve this! I go back March 1st to get checked out and get some more work done. I hope that it will not be nearly as traumatic!
I was such a pig today! In addition to my Latte, I just had to get one of those breakfast sandwiches. So many calories! Yuch! And the strange thing is that I don't even like them that much! I have to start bringing my yummy yogurt again, much healthier!
My teeth hurt! I am so taking another Vicadin if this crap doesn't kick in within 30 minutes! It feels like my jaw is being pulled out of my freaking head! I guess I should tell my dentist that!!??
This weekend was HUGE!!! M has finally moved most of his stuff into my apartment! Yay! Finally! There were some definite tensions and spats, though. It was stressful and joyous and tiring all at the same time. He has two more weeks to transition the rest of the stuff into my/our apartment. This is going to be a roller coaster ride!
I cannot believe I am letting a man move in with me! I love him so much! He does make me very, very happy! lol! (wink, wink, very dirrty thoughts). Kidding! It's SO more than that!
Got to get back to work, unlike some lazy ass people that I know, S! (Not to mention any names)!
And, I believe it is officially time to STOP praying that Britney Spears will ever get her shit together. I would go absolutely mad if I shaved my head, my hair is apart of my livelyhood. PLUS, she's not even sporting it! She's trying to cover it up with bad, cheap wigs. Which proves she has gone insane, and is under the influence of
something !
It's Day 13! And it's Friday!
M and I are high tailing it to The Baltimore Comedy Club again tonight! My Mum is of course taking my daughter for the weekend. We are going to get the rest of M's things out of his old apartment this Saturday. I am so excited!
And I know Godzilla (crazy soon to be ex-roommate) will be thrilled! (lol, NOT!)
My mouth/teeth hurt like hell. I had an emergency dentist appointment yesterday, and to my surprise, they had to take two of my teeth out! Luckily for me, they were both molars!
But still, this was the most scariest experience ever! Worse than childbirth! I was totally freaking out! I called M and told him what was up, and what my options were, etc. I wish he could have been there! I was kicking and screaming and crying like a little baby!
Day 5
Today is day 5! I got a really sweet "Good Luck" from M today. He makes me so happy! It's the little things that count. He always comes up with little ways to surpise me.
So, the cravings are going down, I only get momentary ones. I believe my lungs are starting to clean themselves up.
It's almost V Day!! I cannot wait! I've got to get M something, and I have the perfect gift in mind. He'll be mad that I spent money, but he is so worth it! lol.
I'm still sick as hell today, worse in fact. My throat is killing me.
I got a wonderful surprise in the mail last night...
A check for $250 dollars~! Woo Hoo! It was from my rental agency, because I had referred my little brother, etc. So, we are going to use the money for when we go to the Baltimore Comedy Club. I cannot wait, and free tix always kick ass!
So Sick
Today is miserable! It snowed last night, we got a few inches. And, of course, I started getting sick. I realised it last night, when I was about to leave work. When I woke up this morning it was going full force.
I really, really hate being sick. I'm one of those types of people that doesn't like to call out of work, no matter what. I'm hoping I won't get too bad off.
I think there is something up with M. He seems disconnected somehow. There may be something wrong. And now i'm getting paranoid. I hope and pray he is not cheating on me! I really don't want to loose him, I love him so much!
I really hope he doesn't get sick, either. He's like me, and doesn't like to have to take off of work. He always has something to do.
Day Three
I haven't mentioned it to anyone except for M.
Today is day three of my smoking cessation journey. I have been going through really bad withdrawl symptoms. I have been really nasty to M, had some headaches and BAD cravings. I hate being this way! It's not like me to be so irratable. I just hope M can understand, and help me get through this.
I want to quit, I really, really do! I have to be my own personal cheerleader because I feel like I'm not getting enough support anywhere else.
Wish me luck!
It's Starting!!
I'm so very excited. It literally just hit me that M is finally moving all the way in with me!!
He stays with me every night, has a good amount of his stuff at my place, and is starting to call it all home! But there is still a lot of his stuff to move! We rented a storage facility this weekend and started to gather a little bit of his things. I cannot believe he is moving in with me!
It will be 4 months that we have been together. Oh how time flies! I just don't know how we are going to arrange everything. AND I'm still trying to get my brother to get his stuff out! Grrrr!
In two weeks it should all be done, give or take.
It's so cold here today!! It's like 8 degrees, a high of 20! But, then again, we are able to consider ourselves lucky. In Chicago it's like -19 degrees with the wind chill! Yikes! Stay warm Dad!
I died my hair again this weekend. It's not as blonde as I would like it, a bit red, in fact. But it's pretty! It reminds me of warm golden sunshine. C'mon Spring!
Money Sucks.
Well, today is finally Friday!! I'm happy all around!! So much to do!!
But, there is still this looming, depressing
thing that is driving me batty!
Friday means that it's also pay day. Normally people would be happy about this, but I am not.
I feel like it's just a waste. It's not much, especially compared to what I used to make.
I am in a budget defecit. I cannot pay nearly any of my bills. The rent alone gobbles up almost three of my paychecks. I cannot imagine what people do who make minimum wage.
I'm hoping for a nice raise when my probationary period ends. I cannot afford to take less than 13 or 14 dollars an hour. I don't know what I'm going to do if this doesn't happen. It sucks. Two more months to go!
Hopefully I will have a great weekend!
Oops I Did It Again
Last night was horrible for me. M had to work late, and go over to his apartment. So I didn't have much support. But there is no one to blame but myself.
My daughter and I got home, I fed her dinner. Then I started looking around for something to do. My mind went blank. The next thing I knew I had gorged so much food. It was insane. I felt awful, and disgusting.
I ate 2 pieces of pizza (small) a small block of cheese, and a 1/4 cup of stuffing! I had to call M. I had to know if I was going to be ok. I felt like there was something seriously wrong with my body. But I didn't know quite what it was.
He couldn't talk much, he was still at work. So I just tried to keep myself busy for the rest of the night. I was lucky that I was very tired, and tha my shows were on.
I have to make out a schedule for myself, and stick to it. I have to sit down with M and talk with him about these problems I am having. I want him to confront me, though. I want him to notice and care that I need help. I think he does care, and I know that he knows I need to talk. Maybe tonight will be the night? Who knows. I have to go work on creating a schedule for myself. One that I cannot break from.
On the plus side I lost a whole pound yesterday! ( I weighed myself this morning) Woo Hoo!