eXTReMe Tracker PinkyBlondePunk: Timing is everything


She's So Unfabulous!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Timing is everything

I had an interview yesterday with this answering service. It all sounded so perfect. The manager was nice, as were the employees. He called me back finally to tell me he wanted me on his staff. He has to call me back later to give me the details.

I desperately need this job, so much so that I don't even care how little they might pay me.

See, I need to let my leasing company know if we are renewing our lease, or moving out by the end of this month.

I really hate all this crunch-time shit! I am taking my time on making a decision about the apartment. If I renew, I might not be able to pay the rent, they'd evict us, then sue me for the rest of the year's rent. If I decide not to stay, I could get a really good job, BUT because of my horrible credit(due to loosing 3 jobs at once back in June) I could never get another apartment again.

I have no family or friends to help me. I have no clue what to do, no one to guide me.

And on top of all this bullshit I'm worrying about my relationship with Jason. See, even though he loves me and my daughter deeply, and he has money(comes from money),
He could never be with a homeless girl.


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