eXTReMe Tracker PinkyBlondePunk: Hello, Anyone Still Out There?


She's So Unfabulous!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Hello, Anyone Still Out There?

Well, Yes I know, it's been quite a while since I've posted last. Sorry! I really don't have any access to the net.

I started a new job at a Law Firm about two weeks ago. And I HATE IT!!! BUT, I'm very glad to be working at least.

From being out of work for a month and a half, I'm SERIOUSLY in debt.
They're threatening to repo my car, they have shut off my house phone, I basically owe around $30,000.00! It's NUTS!!

I hate being so broke!! I'm even thinking about bankruptcy. I have no clue what to do with myself. My paychecks barely pay my car payment alone.

On a brighter note... My boyfriend and I are still together. ( Suprisingly enough, cause I'm a mean old bitch!) Wev'e definately taken some stresses, that's for damn sure!! If everyone is still out there, don't be shy... post comments.

Your comments will definately let me decide whether or not I should continue blogging. Thanks for all your support, seriously!



At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need a plan-financially and unfortunately, you made need to give up your car or go to a cheaper one, unless you want to start living in it. You can get ahead but you will have to 'suck it up' a bit. i know this can be hard-been there but it's worth it in the end and you owe it to your daughter. You will be happier too. So, my 2 cents is to make a list and figure out what you can do without (Remember, it's just temporary and that will make it easier) and then make a budget and stick to it-but pay yourself too -like a treat once a pay period or something. And, keep your job until you find a better one. It's not pretty but it will get the job done. You need to cut down on expenses to help get ahead.
Good luck.

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