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She's So Unfabulous!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Officially Brainwashed

I am still listening to Kelly Clarkson's new CD, constantly to be exact. I just can't stop listening! I love all the songs, but the weird thng is that I have them always stuck in my head! And it's not the good kind. You know when you hear someone humming a tune, and then you start humming it?
Nope, not this. This is nuts. I can't stop hearing the fucking music in my head. I swear they put something in the music that does this, on purpose!

I'm going completely bonkers over it. I'm even having trouble carrying on conversations. Here is a typical conversation, along with what is going on in my head:

Me: " Hello, My name is ( What you sees not what you get)And I'll be your server.(With you there's just no measuremeant)
I'm going to go run and get your drinks(No way to tell what's real from what isn't there)
If there is(You know I did it I'm gone) anything else you need just tell me.

You get the point. The worst part about it is that I'll be having a conversation, and won't be able to concentrate.

Sorry to Jimmy.He has to put up with this! I do try, it's just the never ending music was driving me mad!


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