eXTReMe Tracker PinkyBlondePunk: It's Friday!


She's So Unfabulous!

Friday, April 29, 2005

It's Friday!

I'm so happy that it's Friday! T.G.I.F.! Boyfriend is coming over after work for dinner and to spend the night. I miss him so much. Haven't seen eachother since Monday night.

Tomorrow is going to be a depressing day for me. I can no longer afford my car payment, and I'm down to my last resort. I have to go to a local dealership to see if they can do an even trade, and re approve me for a lower payment per month.

I love my car. I spend a lot of time in there. And It's so pretty, so ME. Breaks my heart to see it go, but I have no choice.

It's the end of the week, and I'm oh so tired. Good thing I don't work Friday nights or weekends.

See you on Monday.


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